Monday, 27 May 2013

Method 3. Short-Cuts to Rapidly Reduce Stress in your Working or Studying Environment, and Create Peace of Mind Now!

Hi all and a warm welcome back!

We are now at the end of the road on how to Rapidly Reduce Stress in your Working or Studying Environment, and Create Peace of Mind Now!

Picture Taken from Here

"I'll do the best I can." What is this exactly...POSITIVE THINKING! 

Picture Taken From Here
Sound's so simple doesn't it...but its incredibly effective at releasing stress and boosting self-esteem and self-confidence.  They're also incredibly able when you are ill, as they boost your belief that you will get better, sooner.

They are commonly referred to as an affirmation, which is defined as 'the assertion that something exists or is true." This method is extremely competent at breaking that negative state of being we call stress, and shifts us into a much more positive, relaxed state of being.
After becoming 'stuck' at University with looming deadlines and exams, I often found myself in this negative cycle of stress and couldn't figure out how to stop it! I purchased a brilliant book called It's The Thought That Counts by Dr. David Hamilton (currently only 6 left in stock, so get yours while you can!), which completely changed my relationship with stress. It taught me about affirmations, and how the subconscious mind believes what you tell it, as long as you are really congruent with your language.  To this day, I use affirmations on a daily basis.  

As I mentioned in my second Blog Post, its all about repetition, repetition, repetition - this is how the brain learns! If you're finding it hard, think back to a time when you had to memorise it, and you managed to do it. This will give you huge confidence moving forwards.

I've listed below my top 10 affirmations for you to try out in your head. See how they affect your body language, your mood, and your belief systems :

I can handle whatever comes my way

Today has endless possibilities

I release stress now

I release all restrictions

Challenges bring opportunities

I choose a positive frame of mind

Every day in every way I'm getting better and better

I'm feeling calmer and calmer

My intentions create my reality

I can make healthy choices

The great thing about affirmations is that they can literally be used on anything, from stress, to anxiety, to relationships, and so on. To add to this, simply writing these on a peace of paper is just as, if not more effective, than saying them in your head. Try both, see what works better.

So that's it for my Short-Cuts to Rapidly Reduce Stress in your Working or Studying Environment, and Create Peace of Mind Now! I really hope you've found them useful, both now and in the future.

If anyone has any requests on things they would like me to write on, just drop me a Facebook message. I can usually be found at :

Thanks and farewell until next time,


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